Sexual Abuse at Rosemead High – How Long Do I have to Sue?
Under California law, the time limit to sue for child sexual abuse is 22 years from when the victim is 18 years old. That means if you were sexually abused as a minor at Rosemead High School, you are allowed up until the age of 40 to file a lawsuit against the El Monte Union High School District. By filing a civil lawsuit, you can obtain justice in the form of monetary damages, like medical expenses, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.
Based on the recent lawsuits filed by Rosemead alumni, it’s clear that a toxic culture of sexual abuse by teachers and other staff members has existed at the school for many years. Sadly, many school districts turn a blind eye to sexual misconduct by their teachers or find ways to make the accusations go away.
Were you one of the many students who were sexually groomed and abused by an adult working for the El Monte Union High School District? If so, please take a moment to learn about your rights and legal options by contacting our office.
Slip & Fall
Assault and Battery
Head Trauma
Hand/Wrist and Back Injury
Slip And Fall Accident
Shoulder Injury
I’m Past the Age of 40 – Can I Still Sue for Sexual Abuse at Rosemead High?
Yes, it’s possible to file a school sexual abuse lawsuit even if you are older than 40, or 22 years past your 18th birthday. Thankfully, California’s child sex abuse laws have undergone sweeping changes, including the passage of a discovery rule for those who are childhood victims of sexual assault or exploitation. Essentially, even if you have exceeded the normal statute of limitations, you can file a lawsuit up to 5 years from the discovery of an injury caused by sexual abuse. Keep in mind, however, that you will need to provide evidence of why the realization of such an injury was made later in life, which is where an experienced child sexual abuse lawyer can be of help.
California’s Discovery Rule for the Sexual Abuse of a Minor
The discovery rule was put into place with the knowledge that children who are sexually abused are unable to process what happened to them. For some children, they do not understand that what happened to them is a form of abuse. So, even if though they feel ashamed and guilty about the incident, they keep the incident to themselves and find it impossible to talk about until they are much older.
However, even children that do confide in another adult tend to be ignored or told that the abuser will be punished. In reality, the perpetrator is given a slap on the wrist and allowed to keep their job and standing in the community. Under these circumstances, it’s no wonder that victims repress the trauma of what they endured and try to go on as if nothing happened.
Sadly, no amount of suppression can erase the damage of sexual abuse, and that’s why so many of these kids grow into adults with significant mental health issues. By the time a victim is ready to deal with their feelings and get help from a therapist, they may be long past the date of their 40th birthday. Per California law, such individuals are given 5 years to file a legal action from when they realize a mental or physical injury caused by sexual abuse.
Pending Lawsuits against the El Monte Union High School District
As of the writing of this article, there are two lawsuits in progress that were filed by students that were sexually abused at Rosemead High. One lawsuit was filed by 3 female alumni, who accuse various educators at the school of having sexual relationships with numerous students at the same time. The teachers openly made remarks about how they looked and what they should wear to look more sexually appealing. One former student of the school corroborated these incidents, saying that when she confronted a teacher about his inappropriate conduct, he said, “we don’t even get a slap on the wrist here for that.”
A second lawsuit involves 9 plaintiffs, also former Rosemead students, whose allegations are similar to those in the first lawsuit. The victims insist that the school officials knew what was taking place, but chose to turn a blind eye to what the teachers were doing. Thus, predatory employees at Rosemead continued to target students, while countless girls were left with the scars of sexual abuse.
If you are one of the many students who were subjected to harassment, sexual molestation, rape, and other forms of child sexual abuse, please reach out to for a free consultation. We can answer any question pertaining to your legal rights, including how to file a lawsuit for sexual abuse against Rosemead High School.
Our Law Firm is Here to Help
Most victims of childhood sexual abuse are well into adulthood by the time they speak out. But even with a greater sense of wisdom and understanding of what they went through, they still have questions about their rights and legal options. A lawyer with experience in suing school districts for sexual abuse is the key to achieving justice and moving forward from this horrible chapter in your life.
We have been fighting for the rights of sexual abuse victims for several decades, and we hope to do the same for you. Ultimately, only you can decide if filing a lawsuit against the El Monte Union High School District is the right choice. But we want you to know that we are here for you, every step of the way.
Contact Kenmore Law Group
Here at Kenmore, we have a dedicated team of school sexual abuse lawyers who are ready to fight for you and the compensation you deserve. We are happy to provide you with free legal services under a policy known as the Zero Fee Guarantee. To put it simply, we take your case on contingency and bill the cost of legal fees to the school district. Once we negotiate your settlement or obtain a favorable verdict, we are reimbursed for the costs associated with your case. And if we don’t win your lawsuit, you pay absolutely nothing.
To speak with a Rosemead High School sexual abuse lawyer, contact us to schedule a free case evaluation.