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    Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common types of personal injury accidents. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents can happen at any time and at any place. Slip and fall accidents often occur in major stores, such as Walmart. Unsuspecting shoppers fall victim to the hazards that are negligently present throughout the store’s premises. Did you or a member of your family suffer a slip and fall accident at a Walmart store? If so, you might benefit from speaking with our attorneys.

    Kenmore Law Group is a personal injury law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of all parties affected by slip in fall accidents in large stores, such as Walmart. Our attorneys have many years of experience handling slip and fall claims and helping injured victims and their family members recover the compensation that they deserve. If you would like to discuss your Walmart slip and fall claims with the attorneys at Kenmore Law Group, you must contact our firm as soon as possible.

    The Common Injuries Caused by Slip and Fall Accidents

    Wet floors, blocked walkways, blocked aisles, cracked floors, uneven floors, misplaced mats, missing mats, defective staircases, freshly waxed floors, torn carpeting loose flooring, leaks, and spills can all pose hazards that can lead to slip and fall accidents. Slip and fall accidents can result in a variety of injuries. The injuries suffered in slip and fall accidents depend on many factors and can range in severity. Slip and fall accidents can result in some of the following injuries:

    • Head and brain injuries
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Back and neck injuries
    • Shoulder, knee, and hip injuries
    • Hand and wrist injuries
    • Foot and ankle injuries
    • Sprains and strains
    • Torn ligaments
    • Nerve damage
    • Scrapes, cuts, and bruises
    • Fractures

    In some cases, the injuries sustained during slip and fall accidents are fatal. In the majority of cases, the victims require medical treatment but could achieve full or partial recovery. In addition to physical injuries, slip and fall accidents can have other effects. For example, victims of slip and fall accidents could be left battling post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, and fear, among other mental and emotional distresses. If you suffered injuries after a Walmart slip and fall accident, you must contact our law firm as soon as possible.

    Negligence, Liability, and Premise Liability

    Slip and fall claims often fall under premise liability. Under premise liability, Wal-Mart is liable for all personal injuries, such as slip and falls, that occur within their premises—which consists of both the store and the store’s parking lot in most cases. Stores have a responsibility to constantly inspect the premises for hazards and follow-up with the necessary maintenance and repairs to ensure that customers do not run the risk of suffering an accident. Slip and fall accidents occur in large stores mostly due to negligence. Negligence consists of four elements: the duty of care, the breach of duty, the cause, and the harm. All store employees have the duty to identify and address possible hazards before a customer causes an accident. If an employee ignores a hazard or fails to inspect locations that are prone to hazards (restrooms and refrigerated aisles, for example), the duty of care is being breached. The breach of duty can cause a slip and fall accident which can harm unsuspecting customers. If you or a member of your family was harmed as a result of Wal-Mart’s negligence, you could sue. How to file a lawsuit against Wal-Mart if I was injured in their store? For answers to all of your questions, you must contact our law firm.

    Can I sue Walmart for Injuries after an Accident at Walmart stores?

    Yes, you can sue Walmart for the injuries you sustained after a slip and fall accident at a Walmart location. You can sue Walmart if you got injured on their premises. If the hazard was repeatedly ignored by employees, you could sue. If the hazard was present for hours and it should have been identified and addressed, your accident could have been caused by Walmart’s negligence. Any time an employee, manager, or owner’s negligence contributes to a customer accident, the customer can sue. If you would like to discuss the possibility of suing Walmart, you must discuss your claim with a Los Angeles attorney that handles slip and fall claims against Walmart.

    How can I File a Claim for Injuries against Walmart?

    To file an injury claim against Walmart after a slip and fall accident, you must do all of the following:

    • File a Walmart incident report. You should request to speak with a manager or higher-level employee to file the report. Do not leave the premises until your report has been filed. You must also make note of the time and date of your slip and fall accident. Identify any surveillance cameras that could have recorded the accident. You should also record the names of all the employees or managers with whom you spoke about your accident.
    • Take photos of the location where you fell. When you take photos, make sure that the hazard that caused you to fall is clear. You should be prompt to take photos because many stores are quick to clean up and address of hazards after they become aware of the accident.
    • Take photos of the injuries you sustained. If your injuries are visible, you should always photograph your injuries.
    • Collect witness information. Were there any witnesses to your slip and fall accident? If so, you should ask for their contact information for future reference. In many cases, witness testimonies make the difference between successful claims and unsuccessful claims.
    • Seek medical help. You must be evaluated by medical professionals. The injuries caused by slip and fall accidents are not always obvious. A medical evaluation from a professional can help identify any injuries that you might have suffered. You must seek medical attention as soon as possible. The longer you wait to seek medical attention, the harder it will be to associate your injuries with your accident.
    • Get legal help. If you want to sue Walmart for your injuries, you must contact a Los Angeles lawyer that has experience in Walmart slip and fall claims as soon as possible. Discussing your claim with an attorney will ensure that you have all the information necessary to sue Walmart for negligence.

    How can I sue Walmart after a slip and fall accident? How to file a claim against Walmart if I got injured in their store? How to file a lawsuit against Walmart for a slip and fall? If you have asked yourself any of these questions, you must seek legal assistance with the experts at Kenmore Law Group as soon as possible.

    The Types of Compensation Available for Recovery

    Can I sue Walmart for a fall? Yes, you could sue Walmart for a fall, and you could also be eligible to receive compensation with the help of an attorney with experience in Walmart injury cases. What type of compensation could you receive if you file a Walmart lawsuit after suffering a slip and fall accident? Although every Walmart slip and fall claim is different, you should be familiar with the following categories of compensation that could apply to your claim:

    • Medical costs
    • Lost wages
    • Pain and suffering
    • Loss of consortium
    • Funeral costs
    • Burial costs
    • Punitive damages

    Regardless of what you are eligible to receive, you can trust that the Walmart slip and fall lawyers at Kenmore Law Group will always fight for your right to be compensated. Our attorneys know the importance of helping you recover the compensation that you deserve. Our attorneys will aggressively and consistently negotiate until you are rightfully compensated. Whether your claim reaches a settlement or goes to trial and reaches a verdict, you can trust that our lawyers will have done everything within the law to ensure that you received the maximum amount of compensation available for your slip and fall claim. For more information about the compensation you could receive after you slipped and fell at Walmart, you must speak with a Kenmore Law Group lawyer in Los Angeles to sue Walmart for a customer’s injuries.

    Sample Slip and Fall Settlements and Verdicts

    How much could you receive from Walmart if you file a slip and fall claim? Have you considered the possible outcome of your claim? If so, you might have many questions about how much your slip and fall claim could be worth. You might be interested in reviewing verdicts and settlements against Walmart for injuries to a customer. In the list below, you will find a few sample verdicts and settlements for slip and fall claims:

    • $130,000—the victim, a 37-year-old woman, was injured in a Walmart after she slipped and fell on a wet floor without wet floor signs. The victim suffered shoulder injuries, foot injuries, and knee injuries that required surgical treatment.
    • $199,000—the victim, a 42-year-old woman, was walking in the meat department of a Walmart when she slipped and fell. The victim suffered herniated discs, bulged discs, an annular tear, a torn ligament in the knee, and a sprained ankle.
    • $386,000—the victim suffered a slip and fall at a popular store after stepping into a spilled liquid product. The victim suffered a back injury.
    • $1.5 million—the victim was injured in a large retail store after slipping and falling because of a spilled liquid. The victim sustained leg injuries that required multiple surgeries to address.

    The sample Walmart injury settlement amounts listed above varies from claim to claim. Claimants should never assume that they will recover compensation equivalent to the sample verdicts and settlements listed above. The value of your claim depends on many factors, many of which are not discussed in the samples above. There is no guarantee that you will receive compensation equivalent to the values aforementioned. To discuss how the specific details of your claim affect your Walmart slip and fall claim value, you must contact the attorneys at Kenmore Law Group as soon as possible. Our attorneys will thoroughly evaluate your claim and help you understand its value.

    Kenmore Law Group

    If you were injured in a Walmart slip and fall accident, you must contact Kenmore Law Group to benefit from our free consultations and free second opinions. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our experienced slip and fall attorneys will be available to answer all your questions and concerns regarding your slip and fall claim. Our attorneys can help you even if your claim has been previously affected by the incompetence of another attorney. Whether you are in need of a free consultation or a free second opinion, you can trust that our attorneys can help you.

    Our Zero-Fee guarantee makes these free legal services available to all. You will never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees. Our firm is also based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not have to pay any expenses until after we win their claims. If you do not win, you will not pay—contact Kenmore Law Group today.

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