Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Los Angeles
A medical malpractice lawyer is an attorney who is knowledgeable about both legal and medical matters. To be successful, such lawyer would need extensive experience in both fields. Our Los Angeles medical malpractice lawyers are committed to protecting the rights of individuals who have suffered some kind of harm due to the negligence of a medical professional. With years of experience and an impressive track record of winning cases, we know what it takes to get you the money that you deserve.
Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other health care provider makes a mistake that causes someone to suffer an illness, injury, or death. Any time such event happens, the parties that suffered or their representatives are encouraged to contact a medical malpractice lawyer to learn about their legal rights.
There are countless cases that qualify as medical malpractice cases. Some examples include:
- Misdiagnosis – Misdiagnosis happens when a doctor diagnoses the wrong illness or fails to diagnose an illness altogether. For instance, it happens when a doctor says you do not have cancer, when in fact you did have cancer. As you may be already aware, cancer is a disease that will get worse if left untreated. As the cancer gets worse, it will be more difficult and more expensive to treat it effectively. That is why it is crucial for a cancer doctor to diagnose all cancer as soon as possible. If a doctor has misdiagnosed or failed to diagnose a condition or illness that you had, causing your condition to get worse, you may be entitled to financial compensation. A medical malpractice lawyer should be consulted in such cases.
- Brain injury – If medical negligence has resulted in any kind of brain injury or paralysis, immediate legal help should be sought. A brain injury is a kind of injury that can be debilitating, and it can last a lifetime. Such injuries are usually expensive because caring for such patients will require extensive future medical care. For instance, if a child is hurt during birth, that could be a form of negligence that results in permanent and extensive damage. It is highly recommended that you speak to a lawyer that understands medical negligence as it relates to brain injuries as soon as possible.
- Surgical errors – When a patient goes in for surgery, they are in the most vulnerable position possible. They are ill and need treatment, and they put their full trust at the hands of a group of doctors and other medical staff. Unfortunately, surgical errors happen far more often than we would like, and such errors are often costly. When such errors occur, it is your duty to seek legal help. Far too often, medical staff at the hospital will start pointing fingers to put the blame on someone else; but the fact of the matter is that if a doctor was being careless, he or she is fully responsible for any damages that you sustain as a result of a surgery. There are many ways that a surgical error could occur: a medical instrument may be left behind in your body, or the site of the surgery may become infected, or the doctor may perform on the wrong area of the body, or medical equipment in the operating room may fail. In all these cases, a viable medical malpractice lawsuit may be possible.
- Cosmetic Surgery Error – When someone goes in for cosmetic surgery, they expect their doctor and the medical staff in the operating room to exercise the utmost care. Unfortunately, sometimes that does not happen, leading to injury or illness. One of the most common medical errors in the operating room pertains to anesthesia. If too much of it is used, the patient may suffer a permanent brain injury. Other errors include an infection caused by negligence on behalf of the medical staff, having the wrong surgery performed on you, and having a surgical instrument left behind in your body. If you believe your cosmetic surgeon or any other medical professional has not exercised the utmost care that every patient is entitled to, you may contact our law offices for a free consultation. We will ask you a few questions and determine whether there is a viable case there.
The above are just a few examples of ways that medical negligence can cause a patient significant damage. As you can imagine, there are countless other ways that a medical professional can make errors and be held liable for their mistakes.
How We Can Help
As personal injury lawyers with a focus on medical malpractice in Los Angeles, our aim is to fight for those who have been harmed due to the negligence of medical professionals and medical organizations. Our law firm offers free consultations and a zero fee guarantee.
Free Consultation
When you contact us, an actual attorney will speak with you regarding your case. All of our attorneys are friendly and compassionate, and they care about you as a person. We will ask you some questions to determine whether there is anything that can be done regarding your case.
Zero Fee Guarantee
Our law firm has a special fee structure where we do not charge any upfront fees. We work on contingency. If we take your case, our attorneys will work on your case without any out of pocket expenses on your part. We will pay for all fees associated with your lawsuit. If and when we get you money, we will take a percentage off whatever we get you. If we do not get you money, then you do not have to pay us a penny. That’s how confident we are in our skills as attorneys.
How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding a case, please call us by dialing the number on the top of this page, or email us by filling out the contact form on this page.