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    When you request a ride from Lyft, do you expect to arrive at your destination without suffering any harm? Do you expect your Lyft driver to contribute to a positive ride experience? Or, do you expect that your Lyft driver’s actions will harm you in any way? Most Lyft riders request rides and get into Lyft vehicles expecting a pleasant ride that will result in a safe arrival to their destination. Although most Lyft users might agree that their drivers have contributed to their positive experiences using Lyft, many others might not agree.

    Lyft was founded in 2012, and, over the years, there have been many allegations against the popular rideshare company. There have been many incidents including Lyft drivers attacking unsuspecting passengers. These incidents lead to many questions, such as the following: is Lyft liable for driver assault and battery claims? If you were involved in a fight with a Lyft driver after an argument with a Lyft driver which turns into a physical fight between the Lyft driver and the Lyft passenger, you might have grounds to file a Lyft driver attack lawsuit. If the Lyft driver hit you and injured you without any provocation from your part, you might also have grounds to file a Lyft driver passenger assault lawsuit.

    Regardless of your situation, you must discuss your claim with a Lyft assault battery lawyer immediately. You might have grounds to file a Lyft driver passenger injury lawsuit. If you would like to learn more about your right to file a Lyft driver physical attack lawsuit, you must contact a Lyft passenger injury attorney as soon as possible.

    At Kenmore Law Group, a lawyer for when a Lyft driver attacks a passenger could help you gain a better understanding of your right to file a lawsuit against Lyft to be compensated for the harm that you suffered. The attorneys at Kenmore Law Group have dedicated many years to fighting for the rights of all victims harmed by assault and battery. If you were attacked by a Lyft driver during your ride, you must request to speak with Kenmore Law Group’s experienced Los Angeles attorneys who can sue Lyft for driver assault cases. Our attorneys will provide you with the legal assistance necessary to reach a successful outcome against Lyft. Contact us today.

    Lyft’s Liability

    Is Lyft liable for the injuries you sustained after a Lyft driver assault and battery incident? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is not as straightforward as it should be. Is Lyft liable for the actions of the drivers? Because Lyft drivers are hired as independent contractors, Lyft might not be liable for the actions of their drivers. If you were attacked by a Lyft driver, you might have many questions regarding Lyft’s liability for the incident. In most instances, only the driver that attacked you could be liable for the harm that you suffered. However, Lyft could face liability for an incident under specific circumstances.

    Is Lyft liable if a Lyft driver attacked the passenger? Before answering this question, let’s evaluate what Lyft does to reduce liability and to ensure that their drivers are qualified to driver their loyal passengers from one destination to the next. Lyft has very specific requirements that prospective drivers must meet to be considered to be a Lyft driver. One of these requirements is to be able to pass a thorough background check. In past years, these required background checks only went back seven years. Therefore, background checks only identified any criminal activity committed within those seven years. The time limit placed on background checks quickly became a problem. Applicants that had a history of violent crimes outside of the seven-year limit had clean background checks that made them eligible to drive for Lyft. Quickly, Lyft, other rideshare companies, and some state governments saw the inadequacy of such background checks. This resulted in a new law that allows Lyft and other rideshare companies to have access to complete background checks that are no longer limited by a specific amount of years. This change has increased the number of prospective drivers who are now ineligible to drive for Lyft.

    Although background checks are thorough and are considered to be reliable, they are not foolproof. There are many people with criminal backgrounds who have never been charged with a crime; in other words, there are many criminals that could pass a background check. Some people might go on to commit crimes after passing a background check and being welcomed into Lyft’s driver team. To address this possibility and avoid liability, Lyft is known to subject existing drivers to random background checks. If existing Lyft drivers fail random background checks, they will not be eligible to drive for Lyft anymore.

    Is Lyft’s extensive background checks enough for the rideshare company not to hold any liability in assault and battery incidents involving their drivers and their passengers? The answer to that question is simple: no. Lyft could still be liable if a Lyft driver attacks a passenger. Can I sue Lyft if my Lyft driver hit me and assaulted me? Yes, you can sue Lyft if your Lyft driver hit you and assaulted you. You should contact a lawyer that has experience with Lyft driver assault cases to learn more about your right to file a lawsuit against Lyft.

    The Right to File a Claim against Lyft

    My Lyft driver attacked me. What do I do? You can file a lawsuit against Lyft if your Lyft driver attacked you. You might have grounds to file a physical assault lawsuit against Lyft drivers after an assault and battery incident. As mentioned above, Lyft actively covers all angles to release the company from liability. However, Lyft could be liable under certain circumstances. Below are just a few instances in which Lyft could be liable for a driver’s assault and battery of a passenger:

    • The driver failed the background check but was allowed to drive for Lyft. Although unlikely, it is possible that drivers who failed background checks are allowed to drive for Lyft. If the Lyft team negligently fails to identify a driver who is ineligible to drive for the company, the company could be liable for any harm caused by the driver.
    • The driver had many passenger complaints prior to the incident but was allowed to continue to drive for Lyft. Lyft allows their passengers to rate their drivers and share any concerns they might have had during their ride. If a driver has many complaints against him or her, Lyft should take action to either investigate the claims or deactivate the driver. If no action is taken and the driver is allowed to continue driving for Lyft, the company could be liable for any harm suffered by passengers.

    As you can see, Lyft could be liable for an incident of assault and battery committed by a Lyft driver. What do I do if a Lyft driver hit me? You should seek legal assistance as soon as you can. If you were harmed by a Lyft driver, you must contact a Lyft assault and battery lawyer at Kenmore Law Group as soon as possible. Our experienced assault and battery attorneys will represent you and fight for your right to file a lawsuit.

    Acting after a Lyft Assault and Battery

    After a Lyft passenger gets attacked by his driver, the passenger can sue Lyft for the assault by the Lyft driver. However, the victim must act accordingly to preserve the right to file a lawsuit and, subsequently, receive compensation. What do I do if my Lyft driver assaulted me? Here is what you should do if your Lyft driver assaulted you:

    • Get away from the Lyft driver that attacked you.
    • Contact the local authorities and file a report.
    • Open the Lyft app and take a screenshot of the ride’s details.
    • Photograph your injuries if they are visible and obvious.
    • Gather witness information if applicable.
    • Contact Lyft and report the assault and battery.
    • Seek medical assistance for the injuries you sustained.
    • Seek legal assistance from an attorney that has experience with Lyft driver assault cases.

    Because it can be so difficult to prove Lyft’s liability after a Lyft driver assaults a passenger, it is vital that victims do everything listed above. If you do everything that is listed above after a Lyft driver attack, you will likely have enough evidence to pursue a successful claim against Lyft. For more information regarding what you should do after a Lyft driver attacks passenger, you must contact our assault and battery lawyers immediately.

    Recovering Compensation

    An attorney to sue Lyft for a driver attacking a passenger could help you recover the compensation that you deserve. If you sustained injuries after a Lyft driver attacked you, you could be eligible to receive compensation. Although every claim is different, you could be eligible to recover some of the following categories of compensation:

    • Medical expenses (for the costs directly associated with your physical injuries)
    • Lost income (for the income that was lost as a result of the injuries sustained)
    • Pain and suffering (for the mental and emotional distress caused by the attack)
    • Loss of consortium (for family members’ inability to have a normal, family relationship with the victim)
    • Funeral and burial costs (for the costs associated with the services required after death)
    • Punitive damages (for punishment to the defendant)

    The compensation that you could receive depends on the specific details of your assault and battery claim. Therefore, you might not be eligible to receive all the categories of compensation listed above. If you would like to learn more about the compensation that you could receive, you must speak with an assault and battery attorney for Lyft driver assault cases. Our attorneys understand how your Lyft driver attack affected you not only physically, emotionally, and mentally, but also financially. Because of that, our attorneys are dedicated to aggressively fighting for your right to recover the highest amount of compensation available for your claim. Our attorneys will not rest until you recover the compensation that you deserve. If you would like to learn more about the compensation that you could receive, you must speak with a lawyer in Los Angeles with experience in Lyft passenger injury lawsuits immediately.

    Kenmore Law Group

    Were you victimized by your Lyft driver? Were you a victim of assault and battery at the hands of the Lyft driver that responded to your ride request? If your Lyft driver attacked you, you might have grounds to file a lawsuit against Lyft. Would you like to discuss the possibility of filing a lawsuit against Lyft? If so, you must contact the attorneys at Kenmore Law Group as soon as possible. Kenmore Law Group is a personal injury law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of all victims of assault and battery—even those who have been victimized by their Lyft drivers. If you are ready to learn more about your right to file a lawsuit against Lyft after you were assaulted by your Lyft driver, you must contact our law firm immediately.

    At Kenmore Law Group, our attorneys understand the extent of the effects of the assault and battery that you suffered. Because of that, we are dedicated to making our legal services as accessible as possible. Our law firm offers free consultations and free second opinions. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our experienced assault and battery attorneys will be available to answer all your questions and all your concerns. Our lawyers will be available to provide you with all the information that you need to pursue a claim against Lyft. Our attorneys can help you even if your claim has been affected by the incompetence of an attorney at another law firm. Whether you are in need of a free consultation or free second opinion, you can trust our lawyers to handle your claim efficiently.

    Our free legal services are available because of our Zero-Fee guarantee—a guarantee that our clients will never have to pay any upfront legal fees for our legal services. Our firm is also based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not have to pay any legal fees until after our attorneys reach a successful claim outcome. Do not hesitate to contact Kenmore Law Group.

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