How Long Do I Have to File a Monterey County Juvenile Hall Sexual Abuse Lawsuit?
Beginning from your 18th birthday, you have 22 years to sue for monetary damages if you were sexually abused at Monterey County Juvenile Hall. That means you have up until the age of 40 to file a Monterey County Juvenile Hall sexual assault lawsuit. However, you may have longer to file a sexual abuse claim if you meet the requirements under California’s 5-year discovery rule.
Aside from the statute of limitations, there are many other issues that you must be aware of before you can file a Monterey County Juvenile Hall sexual abuse lawsuit. We will cover some of these topics in today’s article, but this information is for general purposes only. For advice that’s based on the unique details of your case, contact our law firm and schedule a free case review.
How Long You have to Sue Monterey County Juvenile Hall for Sexual Abuse
The amount of time you have to file a lawsuit against Monterey County Juvenile Hall for sexual abuse is generally 22 years from when you turn 18 years old. This is based on the age when you are legally an adult under California law. That’s why we normally refer to the age of 40 as the cut-off point for a child sexual assault lawsuit.
However, there is a way to toll the statute of limitations on a case if the discovery of an abuse-related injury occurs at a later date. This is known as the discovery rule for adult survivors of sexual abuse during childhood.
Slip & Fall
Assault and Battery
Head Trauma
Hand/Wrist and Back Injury
Slip And Fall Accident
Shoulder Injury
Can I Sue Monterey County Juvenile Hall if the Statute of Limitations has Already Passed?
Yes, if the statute of limitations has already expired on your case, there is another way to sue Monterey County Juvenile Hall for sex abuse by one of their workers.
When a child is sexually abused, they tend to stay quiet about what has happened instead of telling someone. Perhaps they are unaware that they were assaulted, or they are scared that something bad will happen to them if they tell on their abuser. This is very common with juvenile hall inmates, who know from early on what happens to people that snitch.
Not getting help and taking legal action against their abuser can lead to all sorts of mental health disorders, which require help from a therapist. The victim may also have physical injuries that they are unaware of until they go to a doctor many years later. Either way, many people who were abused as children do not understand how these incidents have shaped their lives. Once they make the discovery of one or more injuries, they may be over 40 years old, which is the deadline for a juvenile hall sexual assault lawsuit.
Fortunately, you still have 5 years upon the discovery of injuries from sexual abuse to file a lawsuit and receive monetary compensation, like medical expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium. But you will need to present a clear and solid case for why the courts should allow an extension past the normal deadline of 22 years. We can help you with this task, along with any other issues concerning your rights as a victim of child sexual abuse.
What is the Time Limit to File a Monterey County Juvenile Hall Class Action Lawsuit?
If you are interested in filing a class action lawsuit, the statute of limitations to sue Monterey County Juvenile Hall for sexual abuse is 22 years starting from the age of consent. Alternatively, you can file a lawsuit within 5 years of when you realize a physical or psychological injury from sexual abuse at Monterey County Juvenile Hall.
Contact us right away to learn how you can join or file a Monterey County Juvenile Hall sexual abuse class action lawsuit. Due to the complex procedures that are involved, you should obtain the services of a class action lawsuit attorney as soon as possible.
Settlement Values for a Monterey County Juvenile Hall Sexual Abuse Case
The amount you can receive from a sexual abuse lawsuit against Monterey County Juvenile Hall is $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 for cases of sexual assault and $400,000 to $1,250,000 for sexual harassment incidents. Bu this is not an absolute formula, as there are varying degrees of sexual exploitation and their effects on the victim. If there was a long history of harassment that caused severe trauma to the victim, $3,000,000 may be an appropriate settlement. For assault cases involving numerous physical and emotional injuries, it’s possible for a Monterey County Juvenile Hall to settle for $10,000,000 and above.
Reaching a Settlement – How Long Does it Take?
Claims of sexual abuse at a juvenile hall take 12 to 24 months on average, though the exact amount of time is impossible to predict. Based on decades of representing child sexual abuse victims, we know that some cases may be settled in a matter of months. However, most lawsuits take 1 to 2 years, and possibly 3 or more years if we have to ask for a trial date. The average amount of time to settle a class action lawsuit is 2 to 3 years, and up to another year to two if a trial is necessary. This is unlikely, however, considering that less than 5% of all lawsuits are brought before a judge and jury.
Speak to a Monterey County Juvenile Hall Sexual Abuse Attorney
By contacting our law firm, you will have access to free legal services, starting with a private consultation on your rights and legal options. Have a lawsuit that’s already in progress? No problem, we are happy to offer you a free second opinion.
Our team of Monterey County Juvenile Hall sexual abuse lawyers works on contingency, so you won’t pay out of pocket when you sign on with us. Instead, we receive a portion of your settlement check, which means we only get paid by winning your case. To take advantage of this offer, give us a call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.