Can A Hotel Be Held Responsible For A Dog Bite?
Taking your pet on vacation might sound like the perfect way to relax and enjoy a getaway without having the added stress of worrying about your best furry friend. In California, many hotels are becoming very dog-friendly, with ground-floor rooms, pet beds, and even water bowls located throughout the property to keep your pet hydrated. But dog owners need to understand that their responsibilities do not end or change when they are vacationing with their dog. They are still responsible for their dog’s actions and any damage they might cause.
As a guest at a hotel, it might appear cute that other guests have brought their dog on vacation. You might even make a mental note to consider it when you plan your next vacation. But even the biggest of dog fans will change their tune when they are bit by a dog while staying in a dog-friendly hotel. And the most common first question they contemplate is, can I sue the hotel for my dog bite?
Understanding Strict Liability In California
The State of California is considered a strict liability state related to dog bites. The law states that a dog owner is responsible for the damage caused by their dog biting another person in a public place or a place the person is legally using. Public areas are easy to define and understand. However, the part about placing being legally used sounds more unusual. The wording simply means that any person who is on private property with permission, like a guest, renter, or tenant, has legal access to the property. A person who is trespassing or a robber breaking into the property does not have a legal right to be on the property. Anyone on a property legally can take action against the owner of a dog that has bitten them. A person on the property illegally has no recourse if they are bitten by a got. So you are not in a legal jam if your dog bites an intruder in your home or hotel room.
Slip & Fall
Premises Liability
Head Trauma
Back Injury
Slip And Fall Accident
Shoulder Injury
What This Means For A Hotel Guest Bitten By A Dog
As a guest of a hotel in California, the person you can sue for a dog bite personal injury is the owner of the dog. So unless the hotel owns the dog, you cannot sue the hotel. However, there is a good possibility that you can sue the dog’s owner for your injuries. The team of dog bite injury lawyers at Kenmore Law Group are here to help you understand your rights as a dog bite victim and how you can move forward if you choose to file a claim against the dog’s owner.
All Dog Bites Can Become Life-Threatening
If you have never suffered a dog bite before, you might not be aware that one of the more significant concerns related to the bite is actually the potential for infection. A huge open wound or a crushed hand or wrist is clearly a severe dog bite wound. And it needs immediate medical attention. However, the little nips that appear to be insignificant can also become life-threatening without proper care and treatment.
If a dog bite punctures the skin, there is a potential for you to suffer a severe infection from the bacteria and germs in the dog’s mouth. The three common infections include:
- Rabies
- Strep and Staph
- Cellulitis
All these infections can become life-threatening if left untreated with antibiotics. So it is essential to seek medical treatment even if you think the bite was just minor and has caused no injury. While some infections will be noticeable in as little as twenty-four hours, others require over a week to develop and can be challenging to control when not treated immediately after the bite.
How Long Do I Have To Decide If I Want To File A Lawsuit?
In California, personal injury victims, such as a person bit by a dog, have two years from the date of the incident to file a claim with the court. If you wait longer than the two-year Statute of Limitations, you will have lost your right to make any claim against the dog owner for your injuries or losses. In addition, the longer you wait to contact the dog bite injury lawyers at Kenmore Law Group, the longer it will take for you to receive any compensation for your injuries and losses.
The sooner the legal team at Kenmore Law Group begins building your case, the greater the potential for a fast resolution. From contacting witnesses to gather statements and information to convincing the defendant to settle the matter, prompt action is always in a victim’s best interest. Contact the Kenmore Law Group today to learn more about our services and your rights during your free consultation.
What Is A Dog Bite Lawsuit Worth?
The value of every lawsuit related to a personal injury is unique because it is based on the amount of the injury victim’s losses and expenses. In the case of your dog bite, the team at Kenmore Law Group will assist you in gathering all the information needed to determine your losses and a rough estimate of your lawsuit’s value. Some of the data required includes:
- The total of all your current medical bills
- The estimated cost of any future medical care needed to treat the dog bite injuries
- The total cost of your legal team
- Any lost wages if you were unable to work during your recovery
- Any lost wages from work missed attending medical appointments, treatment, or therapy
- A dollar amount to represent your pain and suffering from the dog bite injury
How Long Will It Take To Get My Settlement Money?
All lawsuits are unique and have different requirements and time frames. Your dog bite lawsuit will be influenced by the severity of your injuries, the court’s workload, and the actions of the defendant in the case. The only promise your Kenmore Law Group legal team can make is that they will work relentlessly to move the case forward as quickly as possible. We understand that you want to get the compensation to pay your bills and put this event behind you as soon as possible.
We Never Charge Any Upfront Fees
The team at Kenmore Law Group sees clients struggle each day with financial challenges after a personal injury. And we never want to increase our clients’ hardship by demanding payment for our services before the case is completed. In fact, we are so dedicated to seeking justice for our clients that we agree only to get paid if we win your lawsuit.
So if we cannot get you a settlement or verdict for your losses due to your dog bite injury, you owe us nothing. We do not send you a bill because we failed to complete our job. We are that confident in our ability to win your case. So please get in touch with Kenmore Law Group today to learn how we can help you protect your rights and secure any settlement you deserve for your dog bit injuries and losses. There is no financial risk for you, only the potential to restore your financial stability and move past this traumatic event.